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Code 4 300mm Lead Roll 3m/18kg

Code 4 300mm Lead Roll 3m/18kg
  • Product Code: 43300
  • Size:300mm
  • Length:3m
  • Thickness:Code 4
Ex VAT £75.24 Inc VAT £90.29
  • Product Overview

Code 4 milled lead for flashing and roofing work.

This product has a SVHC content.

REACH defines an article as an object which during production is given a special shape, surface or design that determines its function to a greater degree than its chemical composition. In this context lead sheet and flashings supplied by Edge Building Products Ltd is defined as an article.

We are aware that REACH Article 33 (1) requires that suppliers of articles which contain a substance included in the so called “Candidate List” in a concentration above 0.1% (weight by weight) provide enough information to allow the safe use of the article to the recipients of the article. Lead sheet and flashings supplied by Edge Building Products Ltd contains lead metal [EC 231-100-4] above 0.1% which was included in the Candidate List on 27 June 2018. The official EU Candidate list can be located on the European Chemical Agency [ECHA} website,

Information to enable the safe use of lead sheet and flashings can be obtained by contacting us at [email protected]. Additional guidance on health and safety aspects of installing architectural lead sheet can also be found on the European Lead Sheet Association (ELSIA) website,